新加坡海事及港务管理局 2024 年第 18 号航运通告
28 December 2024
2024 年 12 月 28 日
1. This circular informs the shipping community of the resolutions adopted by MEPC 821 and urges the shipping community to prepare for the implementation of these resolutions.
1. 本通告向航运界通报MEPC 82会议通过的决议,并敦促航运界为这些决议的实施做好准备。
2. MEPC 82 adopted the following mandatory resolutions:
2. MEPC 82会议通过了以下强制性决议:
a. Resolution MEPC.392(82) - Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI (Designation of the Canadian Arctic and the Norwegian Sea as Emission Control Areas for Nitrogen Oxides, Sulphur Oxides and Particulate Matter, as appropriate)
a. 决议MEPC.392(82) - 《对MARPOL附则VI的修正案(将加拿大北极地区和挪威海指定为氮氧化物、硫氧化物和颗粒物排放控制区,视情况而定)》
This resolution adopts amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto (MARPOL), Annex VI, to designate the Canadian Arctic and the Norwegian Sea as Emission Control Areas (ECA) for Nitrogen Oxides, Sulphur Oxides and Particulate Matter. The amendments will enter into force on 01 March 2026 and will be given effect through amendments to the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Air Pollution) Regulations 2022.
The Canadian Arctic ECA will be applicable to ships constructed on or after 01 January 2025, while the Norwegian Sea ECA will be applicable to ships constructed on or after 01 March 2026, including a “three dates criteria” of date of building contract; keel laying date; and delivery date, to be reflected as amendments to the Supplement to International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP Certificate).
MEPC 82 was held from 30 September 2024 to 04 October 2024.
MEPC 82会议于2024年9月30日至10月4日举行。
3. MEPC 82 also adopted the following resolutions:
3. MEPC 82会议还通过了以下决议:
a. Resolution MEPC.393(82) - Guidance On Best Practice On Recommendatory Goal-Based Control Measures To Reduce The Impact On The Arctic Of Black Carbon Emissions From International Shipping
a. 决议MEPC.393(82) - 《关于减少国际航运黑碳排放对北极影响的建议性目标控制措施最佳实践指南》
This resolution adopts Guidance on best practice on recommendatory goal- based control measures to reduce the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon emissions from international shipping. It is intended to assist ship operators/companies in their efforts to reduce Black Carbon emissions from their ships operating in or near the Arctic in measurable and concrete ways.
b. Resolution MEPC.394(82) - Guidelines On Recommendatory Black Carbon Emission Measurement, Monitoring And Reporting
b. 决议MEPC.394(82) - 《黑碳排放测量、监测和报告建议性指南》
This resolution adopts Guidelines on recommendatory Black Carbon emission measurement, monitoring and reporting. It specifies recommendations for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of Black Carbon emissions data from marine diesel engines or exhaust gas treatment systems, in combination or individually, to enhance development of recommendations and regulations to reduce the impact on the Arctic of Black Carbon emissions.
c. Resolution MEPC.395(82) - 2024 Guidelines For The Development Of A Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
c. 决议MEPC.395(82) - 《2024年船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)制定指南》
This resolution adopts the 2024 Guidelines for the development of a SEEMP to have a more consistent methodology for fuel oil reporting, taking into account the data collected in the IMO Ship Fuel Oil Consumption Database (IMO DCS) thus far. This resolution revokes Resolution MEPC.346(78).
本决议通过了2024年SEEMP制定指南,以采用更一致的燃油报告方法,同时考虑到迄今为止在IMO船舶燃油消耗数据库(IMO DCS)中收集的数据。本决议撤销了决议MEPC.346(78)。
d. Resolution MEPC.396(82) - Designation Of The Nusa Penida Islands And Gili Matra Islands In Lombok Strait As A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)
d. 决议MEPC.396(82) - 《将龙目海峡的努沙佩尼达岛和吉利马特拉岛指定为特别敏感海域(PSSA)》
This resolution designates the Nusa Penida Islands and Gili Matra Islands in Lombok Strait as a PSSA, with the Associated Protective Measures (APMs) being the previously established Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) which entered into force on 01 July 2019