
新加坡海事及港务管理局 2024 年第 16 号航运通告


NO. 16 of 2024


20 December 2024



Applicable to:  Shipowners, ship managers, operators, and masters of Singapore- registered ships



新加坡注册船舶的船对船(STS)作业与国际海事组织大会决议A.1192(33) Ship-to-ship (STS) Operations for Singapore-registered ships in relation to IMO Assembly Resolution A.1192(33)


  1. 本通函提请您注意国际海事组织(IMO)大会第三十三届会议于2023年12月6日通过的决议A.1192(33),其载于附件A。 This circular draws your attention to Resolution A.1192(33), adopted by the 33rd session of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Assembly on 6 December 2023, in Annex A.


  1. 特此提醒新加坡注册船舶的船东、船舶管理公司、运营方和船长遵守国际海事组织公约中的安全和防污染要求,特别是1974年《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)第五章第19条和第19 - 1条以及1973年《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)附则I第8章的规定,并遵守安全航运标准。 Shipowners, ship managers, operators and masters of Singapore-registered ships are thus reminded to adhere to safety and pollution prevention requirements in IMO Conventions, especially regulations 19 and 19 - 1 of chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and chapter 8 of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), 1973, and comply with safe shipping standards.


  1. 1973年MARPOL附则I第8章要求参与STS作业的任何油轮在船上携带经批准的STS作业计划。如果STS作业计划在1973年MARPOL成员国的领海或专属经济区内进行,油轮需要提前将计划的STS作业通知该成员国。 Chapter 8 of Annex I of MARPOL 1973 requires any oil tanker involved in STS operations to carry on board an approved STS operations Plan. Where the STS operations are planned within the territorial sea, or the exclusive economic zone of a MARPOL 1973 member State, the oil tanker is required to notify that member State in advance of the planned STS operations.


  1. 计划进行远洋STS作业的新加坡注册油轮,在进行远洋STS作业之前,请更新船舶的STS作业计划,通过电子邮件shipping@mpa.gov.sg向MPA航运司发送附件B中的信息作为通知。 Singapore - registered oil tankers planning to engage in mid - ocean STS operations are requested to update the ship’s STS operations Plan to include a notification to MPA Shipping Division via email at shipping@mpa.gov.sg with the information in Annex B, prior to carrying out the mid - ocean STS operations.


  1. 有关本通函的任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至shipping@mpa.gov.sg。 Any queries relating to this circular should be emailed to shipping@mpa.gov.sg.
  2. 请订阅我们的Telegram频道 - t.me/MPASingapore以获取最新更新。 Do subscribe to our Telegram channel - t.me/MPASingapore to receive the latest updates. ### 附件A #### 决议A.1192(33) 2023年12月6日通过(议程项目13)敦促成员国和所有相关利益攸关方推动采取行动,防止“黑暗船队”或“影子船队”在海事领域的非法作业 大会,注意到《国际海事组织公约》(公约)第1(a)条关于本组织宗旨的规定,即为各国政府在涉及国际贸易航运的各类技术事项的政府监管和实践领域提供合作机制;鼓励并促进在海事安全、航行效率以及防止和控制船舶造成海洋污染等事项上普遍采用最高可行标准;以及处理与公约第1条所述宗旨相关的行政和法律事项,回顾公约第15(j)条关于大会职能的规定,又回顾其关于鼓励成员国和所有相关利益攸关方推动采取行动防止和制止海事领域欺诈性登记、欺诈性登记处及其他欺诈行为的A.1162(32)号决议和关于防止船舶欺诈性登记和欺诈性登记处的措施以及在全球综合航运信息系统(GISIS)联络点模块中设立“船舶登记处”功能的A.1142(31)号决议,还回顾其关于国际海事组织船舶识别号计划的A.1117(30)号决议以及支持实施国际海事组织船舶识别号计划的第1886/Rev.7号通函,注意到为最终消除不合标准状况而通过的与海事安全和防污染相关的公约和文书,包括涉及海员培训和发证以及控制低标准船舶程序的公约和文书的有效实施有助于防止和制止海事欺诈,又注意到海事安全委员会第七十八届会议通过的关于采用国际海事组织唯一公司和注册船东识别号计划以加强海事安全、安保和环境保护并促进防止海事欺诈的MSC.160(78)号决议以及支持实施MSC.160(78)号决议的第2554/Rev.3号通函,回顾海事安全委员会和海洋环境保护委员会通过MSC/Circ.1140和MEPC/Circ.424批准的船舶在船旗国之间转移的建议程序,还回顾法律委员会通过LEG.1/Circ.10批准的协助打击船舶欺诈性登记和欺诈性登记处的建议最佳做法,进一步回顾远程识别和跟踪(LRIT)系统可用于识别距沿海国达1000海里的船舶,关切地注意到那些为规避制裁或从事其他非法活动而进行非法作业的船舶,在本决议中称为“黑暗船队”或“影子船队”,还关切地注意到这些船舶故意禁用或操纵其船载自动识别系统(AIS),无视经A.1106(29)号决议通过的《船载自动识别系统(AIS)船上操作使用修订指南》中关于合法禁用AIS的指导,并且维护保养不合标准、所有权不明确、缺乏保险保障以及隐瞒其货物的目的地或来源,注意到岸站或AIS卫星未接收到AIS传输信号可能并不确定存在非法活动,但可能需要进一步调查,严重关切地注意到“黑暗船队”或“影子船队”中的船舶构成了真实且高风险的事故隐患,特别是在进行船对船(STS)过驳作业时,因为它们隐瞒货物的目的地或来源,或者以其他方式逃避船旗国或沿海国的监督或监管,认识到船舶欺诈性登记、欺诈性登记处的存在以及相关欺骗性航运做法对国际航运的安全和安保构成严重威胁,包括对船员的安全、福祉和潜在刑事定罪以及环境保护构成威胁,并且可能助长非法海上贩运以及逃避制裁和其他非法活动,认识到所有利益攸关方通过双边或多边机制并依照国内法和国际法获取、保持和交换信息对于防止和应对此类问题至关重要,还认识到批准、加入和有效实施其他国际海事组织公约和其他相关国际文书可对防止和控制海事欺诈作出重大贡献,进一步认识到有船东以负责任的方式从事贸易并依照国际公约和法规履行其义务,认为制定和不断审查国家立法对打击海事领域的欺诈行为作出非常重大的贡献,期望推动所有相关利益攸关方采取行动,防止和制止严重危及国际海运贸易完整性的欺诈行为,审议了法律委员会第一百一十届会议和海洋环境保护委员会第八十届会议提出的建议, 1. 决定,就本决议而言,“黑暗船队”或“影子船队”系指为规避制裁、逃避遵守安全或环境法规、避免保险费用或从事其他非法活动而进行非法作业的船舶,可能包括: - 进行不安全作业,不遵守国际法规、完善和严格的行业标准及最佳做法; - 故意逃避船旗国和港口国监督检查; - 未保持足够的责任保险或其他财务担保; - 故意逃避商业筛查或检查; - 未在确保船上人员福利和安全以及海洋环境保护的透明公司治理政策下运营;或 - 在没有足以证明此类行动合理的合法安全或安保关切时,故意采取措施避免船舶被探测,例如关闭其AIS或LRIT传输信号或隐瞒船舶的实际身份; Decides that, for the purpose of this resolution, "dark fleet" or "shadow fleet" mean ships that are engaged in illegal operations for the purposes of circumventing sanctions, evading compliance with safety or environmental regulations, avoiding insurance costs or engaging in other illegal activities, which may include: - carrying out unsafe operations which do not adhere to international regulations and well - established and strict industry standards and best practices; - intentionally avoiding flag State and port State control inspections; - not maintaining adequate liability insurance or other financial security; - intentionally avoiding commercial screenings or inspections; - not operating under a transparent corporate governance policy that assures the welfare and safety of those on board and the protection of the marine environment; or - intentionally taking measures to avoid ship detection such as switching off their AIS or LRIT transmissions or concealing the ship's actual identity when there is no legitimate safety or security concern sufficient to justify such action;


  1. 吁请船旗国确保悬挂其国旗的船舶遵守合法禁止或规范STS过驳作业的措施,并确保此类船舶进一步遵守国际海事组织公约中安全和防污染要求的精神,特别是1974年《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)第五章第19条和第19 - 1条以及1973年《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)附则I第8章的规定,并遵守安全航运标准,以将油污风险降至最低; Calls upon flag States to ensure that ships flying their flag adhere to measures which lawfully prohibit or regulate STS transfers, and that such ships further adhere to the spirit of the safety and pollution prevention requirements in IMO conventions, especially regulations 19 and 19 - 1 of chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and chapter 8 of Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), 1973, and comply with safe shipping standards to minimize the risk of oil pollution;
  2. 敦促船旗国考虑要求悬挂其国旗的船舶更新其STS作业计划,以包括在进行此类作业时通知船旗国作业的时间和地点,特别是在进行远洋STS过驳作业时,包括发布确认收到通知的文件,该文件应以电子形式保存在船上; Urges flag States to consider requiring ships flying their flag to update their STS Operations Plan to include notifying their flag State when and where they are engaged in such operations, especially when they are engaged in a mid - ocean STS transfer, including issuance of a document acknowledging receipt of the notification, which should be kept on board in electronic form;


  1. 鼓励港口国确保对这些船舶执行安全和责任公约,包括国际海事组织公约中与STS过驳作业相关的适用安全要求,并确保船舶根据国际海事组织责任和赔偿公约在船上持有有效的国家保险证书; Encourages port States to ensure the enforcement of the safety and liability conventions on these ships, including applicable safety requirements in IMO conventions relating to STS transfer operations, and that ships have on board valid State certificates of insurance, in accordance with the IMO liability and compensation conventions;


  1. 建议港口国在发现任何船舶故意采取措施避免被探测,例如关闭其AIS或LRIT传输信号或隐瞒其实际身份时,应通过相关港口国监督机制授权对这些船舶进行强化检查,并在初步调查核实船舶是否因合法原因停止传输信号后,酌情通知相应船舶的船旗国主管机关; Recommends that port States, when they become aware of any ships intentionally taking measures to avoid detection, such as switching off their AIS or LRIT transmissions or concealing their actual identity, should subject such ships to enhanced inspections as authorized through relevant port State control mechanisms, and notify the respective ship's flag administration as appropriate, following an initial investigation to verify whether the ships had stopped transmitting signals for legitimate reasons;


  1. 吁请沿海国监测在其领海和专属经济区内进行的STS作业(根据MARPOL附则I第42条的通知),包括监测根据MARPOL附则I第42条要求提供的通知,并对被确定为不符合海事安全和防止海洋污染法规的情况采取适当行动; Calls upon coastal States to monitor STS operations in their territorial sea and exclusive economic zone, notified in accordance with regulation 42 of Annex I of MARPOL, including monitoring the provision of the notifications required pursuant to regulation 42 of Annex I of MARPOL, and take appropriate actions in cases identified as not complying with the maritime safety and prevention of marine pollution regulations;


  1. 鼓励沿海国开展合作,改进对这些做法和作业的监测; Encourages coastal States to collaborate to improve monitoring of these practices and operations;


  1. 敦促各国政府、秘书长、船旗国当局、港口国监督当局、船东和运营方、非政府组织、包括海运保险业在内的私营部门、船舶经纪人和其他相关海事利益攸关方举办讲习班,重点提高预防、发现和报告黑暗船队或影子船队的作业以及此类船舶助长的非法活动的能力和尽职调查做法; Urges Governments, the Secretary - General, flag State authorities, port State control authorities, ship owners and operators, non - governmental organizations, the private sector including the marine insurance industry, ship brokers and other relevant maritime stakeholders to develop and deliver workshops that focus on enhancing capabilities and due diligence practices for the prevention, detection and reporting of the operation of dark fleets or shadow fleets and illegal activities facilitated by such ships;


  1. 请秘书长将所讨论的问题以及提出的关切和挑战告知其他联合国机构,以便它们也可就其职权范围内的事项采取行动; Requests the Secretary - General to inform other United Nations agencies of the issues discussed and the concerns and challenges raised, so that they may also take action for matters under their remit;


10. 请相关委员会持续审查此事,并根据事态发展采取它们认为必要的进一步行动。 Requests relevant Committees to keep this matter under review and take such further action as they may consider necessary in light of developments.


Singapore-registered ship information:



Ship name:


IMO number:


ISM manager:


Date and time (UTC) of the planned STS operations:


Planned duration of the STS operations:


Geographical Location (coordinates):


Type of STS operations (receive or discharge):


Oil type and quantity:



Other ship information:



Ship name:


IMO number:




### 附件B #### 新加坡注册船舶在远洋进行船对船(STS)作业(油品过驳)的通知

新加坡注册船舶信息: 1. 船名: 2. IMO编号: 3. ISM管理公司: 4. 计划的STS作业日期和时间(协调世界时): 5. 计划的STS作业持续时间: 6. 地理位置(坐标): 7. STS作业类型(接收或卸载): 8. 油品类型和数量:

其他船舶信息: 1. 船名: 2. IMO编号: 3. 船旗: 姓名: 职务: 日期:


